You were made for more.
So much more.
More love. More joy. More freedom. More LIFE.
You have a purpose, something that only you can do.

Don't be afraid, friend, you are equipped with everything you need to live a life beyond your wildest dreams. Stop shrinking. Stop holding back. Stop feeling like you aren't enough, stop thinking that you don't have what it takes, or that your dreams are nothing more than that...just dreams. Those dreams can come to life. Those dreams can guide you to right where you need to be. There are plans for you that are far beyond anything you could come up with on your own.
You just need to to see it. To step into it. To let go of all the things weighing you down and holding you back...and go. Just go. Go and do all the things that make your heart sing. Go and do the things that scare you. Go and do the things you never thought you could. Go and fill your heart with so much goodness that it spills over into the world. The things you do, the words you speak, the choices you make have the potential to reach around the world. Let them.
I hope you realize that nothing is impossible; that you were created with a purpose that could blow your mind. You were made for so much more than this...more than you could ever imagine. So much more .